There is a lot of uncertainty in the world right now. Layoffs are happening, stocks are on a roller coaster ride, and millions are quarantined in their homes. This is a good wake up call for people to start investing in themselves. Here is an inconvenient truth: The only person responsible for you, is you. This means that you need to continually invest your time and money to expanded thinking, more streams of income, and a greater focus towards self-improvement. The dividends of these investments are recognized in times of uncertainty. I have to practice social isolation for the next couple of weeks so here are some things I am doing (and maybe things you should be doing):
1. Reading: I don’t know for certain if reading makes you smarter, but I have never met a dumb person who reads on a consistent basis.
2. Cooking: I’ve been doing this since I began living on my own, but now I am starting to get exotic with it. This past weekend I bought/baked my first whole ham. It was an awesome (and tasty) experience!
3. Review your Finances: Make sure you know where your money is coming from, and more importantly, where it is going. A good place to start for financial freedom is using Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps. Dave’s baby steps have changed my life.
4. Work on your career: I consistently put in 15-20 hours a week outside of work towards improving my cybersecurity career. I haven’t really seen any returns on this investment yet, but I know they are coming. Helen Keller once said, “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”
Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.
-Pete C.