Day 82 – June 23, 2022 – 17.5 Miles
With heavy hearts we left Harper’s Ferry. The weather today was cold and rainy, but at least the terrain was easy. Hiked from HF to Dahlgren backpack campground. MD has been so cool so far! There is so much Civil War history here…and so close to the trail! There are a lot of monuments and memorials. I need to come back and check out more of this stuff. Went through Gath State Park and there is a cool War Correspondents memorial here. Big stone arch. Still need to find a MD sticker for my bear can.
Day 83 – June 24, 2022 – 18.9 Miles
Hiked from Dahlgren Backpacking area to Raven Rock shelter. Maryland has been so nice and mild. A lot of Civil War history. Saw the original Washington Monument. It looks like a nuclear smoke stack, but you can climb up to the top. Also checked out Annapolis Rocks. Great views, but I see so many great views so I couldn’t really appreciate it. Nice weather and some good lookin day hikers. I can get used to this! Hill before Raven Rock absolutely killed me.
Day 84 – June 25, 2022 – 9.5 Miles
Went from Raven Rock to DeerLick Shelter. Didn’t hike far because we had to resupply in Waynesboro, PA. Cross into PA and crossed the Mason-Dixon Line! Officially in the North! Resupplied at the Walmart and got lunch at Applebees. Beers were so good there and I got a salad. Some guys got us Slim Jims as trail magic. Had real trail magic when we got back to the trail. “A” caught up to his love interest and sparks are flying! Can’t wait to see where it goes! Met boyscouts at the trail.