Day 40 – May 12, 2022 – 0.0 Miles
Fun day in town and we didn’t even hike/Trail Days hasn’t even started yet! We walked around town, went to “Coffee & Cream” coffee shop (amazing cinnamon rolls), got some food from the Dollar General, went tothe library, and checked out tent city. Tent city is an area on the outskirts of town where the hikers can camp. So glad we are not staying in tent city; too many hikers partying. All the vendors are setting up in the main park. Saw a lot of people who I have not seen in awhile. They are far behind us on the trail, but got bussed in. Nobody wants to miss Trail Days! Fried chicken dinner provided by One Way Ministries. Being here makes me want to bike the Virginia Creeper Trail.
Day 41 – May 13, 2022 – 0.0 Miles
Start of Trail Days! More people have arrived and Damascus is poppin! Went to all the vendors in the central park. It ended up being a complete waste of time. All of the vendors had a display, but no inventory to buy anything! So what is the point? Got new shoes at Damascus Outfitters. I got the Saloman Cross 5. Very tactical looking – they fit well so far! Went to the Damascus brewery – good beer selection. Saw E-Z there and we hung out. He is a very interesting person. At night we checked out tent city, and man, that place is out of control. So glad we are not staying there. The party in the woods was trippy and the drum circle was crazy. Never seen anything like it.
Day 42 – May 14, 2022 – 0.0 Miles
Another zero at the hostel. Getting used to town life again. I was going to attend the workshop talks, but the day slipped away. Got some amazing cookies from Kate’s Jumbo Cookies. Sat down by the river w/ Scribe drinking coffee. It was super peaceful and reminded me of Brooklawn. There was a parade for hikers, but we didn’t go. Got lunch at 7 trails tavern instead. I started talking to an older couple and they ended up buying our meal. Tonight, we went back to tent city again and it was just as insane.
Day 43 – May 15, 2022 – 16.0 Miles
Finally got off our butts and back out hiking! Went from Damascus to Lost Mountain shelter. Saw Darwin on the Trail. Trail Days has ended. It was a grand time! We packed out a sandwich from Subway. Was not able to get to Mass today and that was a bummer. Virginia is a cool place to hike so far. There are so many great campsites and the terrain is fun. I saw a lot of streams today. We somewhat followed the VA Creeper Trail today. Now I REALLY want to bike it; it looks so nice! New shoes feel food for the most part. Happy to be back out here.
Day 44 – May 16, 2022 – 17.5 Miles
Amazing day on the trail! Hiked from Lost Mountain shelter to Wise shelter. Crossed the 500 mile mark today! It is hard to believe that we have been out here for this long. Today we crossed into the Grayson Highlands. It is a Virginia state park….WITH PONIES. This is simply surreal. Horses are everywhere and all around the shelter. They are chewing/licking everything for the salt. I wish everyone could see this. Thank goodness for photos. The Highlands is a great spot. Will have to come back here for car camping. Fed a horse a granola bar.
Day 45 – May 17, 2022 – 20.2 Miles
Perfect day for hiking! Between the weather, the terrain, and some trail magic, I could not have asked for a better day. Hiked from Wise shelter to Trimpi shelter. Got trail magic three times today. Twice was by the Troutdale Baptist Church community. They are promoting a hiker dinner and I appreciate what they are doing. They lure you in with food, and then talk to you about Jesus. Saw a wonderful waterfall today. VA has been great so far. Might be my favorite state so far. Grayson Highlands might be my favorite section. So thankful to be out here. Hiking makes me fulfilled. I am feeling blessed.
Day 46 – May 18, 2022 – 10.0 Miles
Quick day of hiking! Hiked a fast 10 miles from Trimpi shelter to Mt. Rogers National Recreation Area HQ. Between the mellowing terrain and our increase in leg strength, our moving pace is fast. Avg. moving pace is 3.0 mph with packs on and uneven ground. Usually doing 10 miles before noon. From the HQ, we grabbed a shuttle to Marion, VA to resupply. Ended up getting a hotel room for $70 at the Red Roof Inn. Supposed to rain heavy tonight. Plus, shuttles only run at certain times. Called 3peat – he’s doing well, but still bummed he’s off the trail.
Day 47 – May 19, 2022 – 23.4 Miles
Hit the trail after our overnight in Marion, VA. Hiked from Mt. Rogers National Recreation Area to a random farm access road. We were headed to possum creek campsite, but it started to thunderstorm so spending the night here. There is a lot of lightening tonight and trail runs across open fields. Not a good place to hike. Hope nobody decides to drive on the access road tonight. Today we crossed the quarter trail mark. There is a sign that says “1/4 GA –> ME”. I expected to be here, but it still seems surreal. Jake packed out a beer to celebrate for Andy and I. It was so good! The trail passed right next to a gas station and we got snacks. There should be more of this as we go North.
Day 48 – May 20, 2022 – 23.2 Miles
Up early and hit the trail. Nobody came on the access road! Hiked the access road to Jenkins shelter. The bridge washed out at Lick Creek so we had to wad through. I was mentally ready for the water to be at my chest, but it was only at my calves. Saw Burke’s Garden and hiked around the rim for awhile. There was a shelter on the rim which would have been cool to stay at, but it was too early in the day to quit. Almost ran out of water in the second half of the day. Need to be more careful as water gets scarce. Barly got to camp before nightfall.
Day 49, May 21, 2022 – 11.3 Miles
Resupply day! That means a quick hiking day. Went from Jenkins shelter to Brushy Mountain Outpost to resupply in Bland, VA. Last night all the deer came out and started walking through the camp. They were so close to the tents! They had absolutely no fear at all. It was weird seeing them in the red light of my headlamp. Their eyes burned red as they walked around looking for salt to lick. Great views today too! Found a cool geocache near the outpost. Outpost was closed. There is a big thunderstorm coming in so we are getting a room at the Big Walker Motel. Nice little vantage point. Saw Slow N’ Steady at the outpost. Our shuttle driver was a guy named Bubba. He looked like somebody who would be named Bubba.
Day 50 – May 22, 2022 – 0.0 Miles
Spent a zero in Bland. They call it Bland for a reason…there is absolutely nothing to do in this place. The only places to eat near the motel are Subway and Circle K. It rained a lot today so we resupplied, called mom/dad, and watched A LOT of Bar Rescue. I forgot how insane this show is. This is day 50; hard to believe I have been out here for this long. A zero is a good way to celebrate. I’m starting to think about ideas Post-AT. Still a long ways off but it’s good to start planning. Execution will be key and I want to be ready.
Day 51 – May 23, 2022 – 26.5 Miles
Hiked from Brushy Mountain outpost to Wapiti shelter. I hiked a marathon today, but I don’t feel very tired for some reason. It rained the entire day. Had to set up my tent in the rain; still one of the worst things in the world. Still better than sitting in a cubicle. The terrain was so flat today and there was nothing to see. I’ve decided that I am going to join a line dance club in Nashville. My mind has been really thinking about post-AT things. I’m not sick of the trail, but I am starting to look past it. I don’t listen to anything while hiking so I do a lot of thinking instead. Really need to do a better job of living in the moment.
Day 52 – May 24, 2022 – 18.8 Miles
Hiked from Wapiti shelter to Cross Ave. and walked into Pearisburg. My gear and I were soaked to the bone this morning when I woke up. It rained all 1-2 inches during the night and I woke up with 1/4 inch of water INSIDE my tent. There was a lake/streams nearby that overflowed and so the trail turned into a river. The water levels ON the trail were anywhere from ankle high to waist high. It was nuts! In Pearisburg we got a room at the Holiday Motor Lodge. Kind of a seedy place, but better than sleeping in a sogged out tent. it will give me a chance to dry out my gear. There is a Chinese buffet her and it is great – loaded up on vegetables.
Day 53 – May 25, 2022 – 20.0 Miles
Late start but we got our 20 miles in! Went from Pearisburg to juts past Pine Swamp branch shelter. Shelter was full w/ no tent space (surprise, surprise) so we camped at a parking lot spot a little ways down the trail. There are so many people out here, it is hard to get a shelter spot. On the phone a lot with Osprey. My hip belt is tearing away from the pack. Osprey has the “Almighty Guarantee” so they are sending a replacement pack to an outfitter store in Roanoke, VA.
Day 54 – May 26, 2022 – 18.2 Miles
Hiked from the parking area (Peter’s Mountain trailhead) to Laurel Creek shelter. Rain is in the forecast so we woke up super early to get our miles in and a shelter spot! We will have to do this more often when it rains. It is weird to be done hiking so early in the day. Had my first fall today. Slipped and almost hit my face. Starting to have less things to think about. Might have to start listening to something. Aunt KaaaKaaa said she is putting together a box for us.
Day 55 – May 27, 2022 – 12.6 Miles
Quick but tough day of hiking. Went from Laurel Creek shelter to Niday shelter. There was a several hour break in the rain so we hiked fast to the next shelter in order to get a shelter spot. Downed trees and branches were everywhere. We passed the Keffer Oak. It is one of the oldest trees on the A.T. It is about 300 years old and older than the U.S. itself. We had to ridge run a rocky section and the views were stellar.
Day 56 – May 28, 2022 – 16.7 Miles
Hiked from Niday shelter to Catawba grocery. Passed the 700 mile mark! Oh yeah! I’ll never get tired of celebrating every 100 miles. Beautiful warm day of hiking. Officially in the VA Triple Crown area. The trail is all nice and everything. Visited the Audie Murphy monument – very sobering and peaceful place. Visited Dragon’s Tooth and climbed to the top of the tooth! The view was so amazing! Looked for the rest of the dragon, but couldn’t find it. Got picked up by Jake’s mom’s coworkers family – The “P” family!
Day 57 – May 29, 2022 – 0.0 Miles
Hanging out with the “P” family! I feel like I have known them forever. We have gone swimming and had a ton of food. Made it to church today too! St. Andrew’s church in Roanoke. The “P” family has a cool house on a lake and there is plenty to do. Been drinking beers all day and went to a marina concert. All part of the A.T. experience. Didn’t think I would end up doing this, but here we are. “Buy a ticket, and take the ride.”
Day 58 – May 30, 2022 – 0.0 Miles
More of the same as yesterday. Drank beers and hung out. Called and caught up with a lot of the aunts/uncles. I’ve been having a lot of good conversations with different members of the “P” family – even the younger ones. I hope they like me as much as I like them. We need more folks like this in the word. I am going to miss all of them. Aunt KaaaKaaa has put together the box for Andy and I. She said it was 13 libs….can’t wait to receive it!
Day 59 – May 31, 2022 – 0.0 Miles
Another zero, but no rest today. We went to an adult day care facility for veterans and laid mulch for hours! Aunt J would be so so proud. It wasn’t too hard of a job though. After all the “P” family has done for us, it was the least we could do. Afterwards, we went to the outfitter’s because my pack was delivered. It was the same one as before so it won’t take any getting used to, but everything seems to be sewn tight. Looking forward to be hiking again. Mom and dad might be coming to Harper’s Ferry to visit.
Day 60 – June 1, 2022 – 16.4 Miles
Back on the trail! Got dropped off at Catawba grocery and walked to Lambert’s Meadow shelter. Such a hot day today. Drank a gallon of water. Scribe almost stepped on a rattlesnake! It was half on the trail and half in the underbrush. His foot missed it by less than an inch and he didn’t even see it. First big snake sighting. Saw McAfee Knob today. Simply a beautiful place. Weird to think somebody just died here. I said a prayer for them. This place is the most photographed on the A.T. and I can see why. Also saw Tinker Cliffs. Great spot, but I couldn’t enjoy it because of some mental health issues. Will have to come back so I can enjoy it more.
Day 61 – June 2, 2022 – 9.4 Miles
Hiked in the morning from Lambert’s Meadow shelter into Daleville, VA. Made really good time. And that is all the hiking we did today. Jake made the choice to get off the trail. He has not been having a good time since the Roan mountain area, about 400 miles ago. I hope he gets the help he needs and I hope getting off is one of the best things to happen to him. The trail is a test of mental strength; the only people who make it are the ones who can manage their mental health. It’s weird and sad to not have him here. Resupplied and staying the night here. Going to keep going in the morning. Saw/talked to an old dude at Kroger who was telling stories and started his car with a screwdriver.
Day 62 – June 3, 2022 – 25.0 Miles
Early start, great weather, and flat terrain all contributed to a 25 mile day. Went from Daleville to Cove Mountain Shelter. Pack was full of food, but still felt light somehow. A large portion of the trail crisscrossed the Blue Ridge Parkway and the views were amazing! Views all day. Today is our two month anniversary of being on the trail! Hard to believe. Still weird without Jake, but we were in high spirits today. Also! we crossed over the 1/3 mark today. Crazy to think we are 33% of the way done.
Day 63 – June 4, 2022 – 29.8 Miles
First 30 mile day! Wow! Hiked from Cove Mountain shelter to Matts Creek shelter. We did not plan to go this many miles, but we felt good, so we kept going. Climbed Apple Orchard Mountain. Super cool C&C Radar Dome at the top. Can’t wait to show Nick. Also found a geocache! Without Jake, Scribe and I have been waking up at 5am and are on the trail by 6am. It gives us the chance to take many breaks and still get good miles. I’m really liking the results so far.
Day 64 – June 5, 2022 – 22.2 Miles
Hiked from Matts Creek shelter to Brown Mountain Creek shelter. Not a super long or rough day, but my legs feel REALLY tired. Still tired from the big day yesterday. I spoke too soon about my legs feeling good. Pretty views today, but tough climbing in order to see them. Crossed the James River foot bridge today. Amazing views from the middle of the bridge. Stopped at Punchbowl shelter for lunch and there was a giant symphony of frogs! It sounded so loud, I don’t know how anyone sleeps. At our shelter, we are tenting near a river, my favorite white noise.
Day 65 – June 6, 2022 – 8.2 Miles
Small hiking day due to resupply. Went from Brown Mountain Creek shelter to a meadow just passed Hog Camp Gap. On the trail this morning, we passed the through the remains of a small village in the woods. It was the the remnants of the Brown Mountain Creek Community, a group that was composed of the descendants of free slaves. Buena Vista is an awesome little town! Got a ride in from Stanimal’s Charlie – just happened to be at the gap when we arrived. The trail provides! Got a ride from Food Lion to the Post Office by a local named Dave. He also gave us a Bible. Had a great lunch at Todd’s BBQ. After all that, we got a free ride back to the trail head by Buena Vista’s Assistant Police Chief! First time I’ve ever ridden in a cop car without doing anything wrong. Trail Magic at the trailhead when we arrived. So cool!
Day 66 – June 7, 2022 – 21.8 Miles
Hiked from the meadow to Harper’s Creek shelter. We did a lot of ridge running above 4000ft. today. A lot of potential for rain so we were hiking a cloud for a large part of today. Passed Spy Rock and climbed the Priest. Supposed to be really great views, but we couldn’t see anything. The log book at the Priest shelter had a lot of confessions about hikers doing nasty things. No wonder people are getting sick and having mental health issues. Going to bed early tonight. Today was very uneventful. Got rained on today and skipped lunch. Still in high spirits. Still better than being in a cubicle.
Day 67 – June 8, 2022 – 22.8 Miles
Hiked from Harper’s Creek shelter to Paul Wolfe shelter. Got an early start to avoid heavy rain and it ended up not raining at all. The weather is funny like that in the woods; there can be bad weather all around you, but just not on top of you. It was so humid today and I was wearing rain pants, so I was sweating like crazy. I was so wet, it might as well have rained. My socks blew out and will need to be replaced. Because of my damp, blown out socks, I chaffed really badly on my Achilles. Really could use some blister cream and new socks. Happy to be going into town tomorrow. I need a rest. My legs and body are just so tired.
Day 68 – June 9, 2022 – 4.7 Miles
Quick hike from Paul Wolfe shelter to Rockfish Gap. Didn’t rain all night, but apparently Waynesboro, VA got two inches. As soon as we made it to the gap, we got picked up by a trail angel and taken to the Quality Inn in Waynesboro. This is where we are staying. It was so windy at Rockfish Gap. Waynesboro is so cool. Great Chinese buffet and pizza here. Had a calzone for the first time in forever. Did some chores and ended the night drinking beer and watching baseball. Also got a chance to catch up with my friend L.C. Life is so good.
Day 69 – June 10, 2022 – 0.0 Miles
Spent the day in Waynesboro, Ran errands at walmart, the outfitter store, and other places so we got a good feel of the place. Got the “Be Free/Big Nursey” water filter. Can’t wait to use it! The throughput is so fast on this thing – comes out like horse piss. Went to the Chinese buffet a second time. Still so good. Saw Bob/Beth there! Good to catch up. Took a nap and wated some of the College World Series. Went to the brewery at night. The beers and food were good. Met a woman named Natalie there, and somehow ended up hearing her sad life story. I don’t understand how this kind of thing always happens. Multiple times on this trip, stranges have just come up and started talking to me.
Day 70 – June 11, 2022 – 20.8 Miles
Back at it again! Got a late start, but hiked from Rockfish Gap to Black Rock shelter.. Officially entered Shenandoah National Park (SNP)! The terrain is so mild so we made really good time. The trail used to be Skyline Drive, but then there were too many cars/people so a new trail was created. Saw all kinds of deer! They all had little fuzzy antlers which made them look so cute! Today was the first and only time I met Stache! Another hiker who always rated water caches and had a killer mustache. Caught up with mom/dad today. Found out that my sister got an internship. So Exciting! I’m so proud of her. It was supposed to rain a ton today, but held off for some reason.
Day 71 – June 12, 2022 – 21.7 Miles
Hiked from Black Rock shelter to Hightop hut. Got a late start and it proceeded to rain within the first 10 minutes of hiking. Got soaked, but made it to the Loft Mountain Wayside where we proceeded to take a 3 hour break and talk with a hiker going SOBO. He was a super cool dude named Body. We also became a side show for several people car camping. They had a lot of questions for me about the hike and wanted to take my picture. They thought it was crazy that I had hiked almost 800 miles, but I had to tell them that I wasn’t even half way yet! It was sunny, hot and humid for the rest of the day. Drank over a gallon of water and sweated it all out. This afternoon just dragged on. Going to be so hot tomorrow. Packed out some great sandwiches from the wayside. Hoping for great sleep tonight.
Day 72 – June 13, 2022 – 20.4 Miles
Early start to the morning and a fast hike because we were driven with a purpose. Went from Hightop hut to Big Meadows camping area. Did our 20 miles by about 2:30PM, Avg. pace was 3.1. That is insanely fast, especially when carrying a backpack full of gear. Had to get to Big Meadows wayside to resupply and get the famous Blackberry Milkshakes! My goodness…they lived up to the hype! So so good. Ate so much that we just ended the day at the camping area. Very nice place. Tons of deer randomly walking through the campsite. Everything was expensive here. I forgot that National Parks have a tendency to price gouge.
Day 73 – June 14, 2022 – 19.1 Miles
Went from Big Meadows campground to Pass Mountain shelter. We didn’t have a timeline for today so we just took our time and had lots of breaks. Supposed to rain a lot, but didn’t. We walked along an exposed cliff’s edge and saw it was pouring rain down in the valley below. It was so cool to see a giant storm obliterating an area from the outside instead of being in it. Stopped for lunch at a picnic place and got free beer and snacks. Took a side detour to see Mary’s Rocks, but it was cloudy so we couldn’t see much. There was supposed to be a geocache nearby, but couldn’t get a good enough signal to find it.
Day 74 – June 15, 2023 – 23.7 Miles
Hiked from Pass Mountain shelter to to Tom Floyd shelter. Had the whole place to ourselves. We have officially let Shenandoah National Park! I loved this NP and can’t wait to go back! Went to Elkwallow Wayside to resupply. We got food, but the grille was closed, so no blackberry milkshakes. It has been so hot so we have been drinking a ton of water. Hydration is so vital but here. Today we climbed over our last 3000ft. mountain until Massachusetts. Hopefully it is smooth sailing from here on out.
Day 75 – June 16, 2022 – 18.1 Miles
Hiked from Tom Floyd shelter to Whiskey Hollow shelter. Did our resupply in Front Royal, VA. Had a great breakfast with Milkweed at Mom’s Kitchen. Talking with him got me really excited to get back into finance stuff. Got a ride back to the trailhead by a girl named Lydia! She was visiting from London and wandering around Front Royal. She wanted to see some the US countryside and was wondering why we were there with backpacks. The trail always finds a way to provide for us. Found some trail magic along the way to the next shelter.
Day 76 – June 17, 2022 – 18.9 Miles
Pickup Day! Hiked from Whiskey Hollow shelter to Snickers Gap. Crossed the 1000 mile mark today. Insane to believe that I have walked 1000 miles. Insane to know that I have over 1000 miles left to walk. We entered the Roller Coaster section today. Absolutely awful. I don’t like it. I’ve gotten so spoiled by the flat terrain. The ups and downs just killed me and my energy. At Snickers Gap, we got picked up by Mom and Dad! I have not seen them since March. It’s not that long ago, but it seems like forever!
Day 77 – June 18, 2022 – 0.0 Miles
I was able to act like a normal person today! We all stayed at Springhill Suites in Herndon, VA. Mom and brought all kinds of cloths for us so we didn’t have to wear hiking clothes. Today we took a walk on the W&OD trail, played Euchre, and went to Harper’s Ferry! That place is pretty neat. A lot of history, and there are quite a few hike/bike trails in the area. We walked along the AT for awhile so mom could hike a small section. It was awesome just to catch up.
Day 78 – June 19, 2022 – 0.0 Miles
Another normal person day! I can get used to this! Went to church and hung out with the fam. Got lunch and resupplied at Wegmans. Got dropped off at the Best Western in Leesburg, VA. Staying the night there. Scribe is out with a USMC buddy so I did some exploring on my on. Went to Loudon Brewing and Shenanigans Pub for dinner. You can smoke in there! Then I just chilled in the hotel room. There is a part of me that doesn’t want to go back to the trail. But I want to finish. This is the hardest part of hiking…..
Day 79 – June 20, 2022 – 11.2 Miles
Back on the trail! Went from Snickers Gap to David Lesser Memorial shelter.. Last shelter in VA. Woke up this morning and didn’t feel like hiking, but here we are. I really enjoyed my time off. Scribe didn’t feel like hiking either, so we just went slow. Today is the observance of Juneteenth so a lot of day hikers were out here. the weather was so perfect to hike today! Hard to believe we are out of VA. I listened to music for the first time today. It was a great experience! It made the scenery much more enjoyable. Will have to do it again.
Day 80 – June 21, 2022 – 9.3 Miles
Hiked from David Lesser shelter to Harper’s Ferry, WV! We decided to get a hotel room and stay for a few days so Scribe can some some people. It feels so odd to be back here during the week. The place is so empty! Went to the Post Office and got our box from Neil and Karen! They got us SO.MUCH.STUFF. Their kindness is amazing! We took some things from the box and sent the rest up the road. Got new shoes today – Altras Lone Peaks 6. Spent the rest of the day chilling and drinking.
Day 81 – June 22, 2022 – 0.0 Miles
Spent the day chilling in Harper’s Ferry! We stopped by the ATC HQ and got our pictures taken for the yearbook! I am hiker 1053 to come in for this year. The HQ is a dope place. They have a huge 3D topo map of the entire trail so you can see mountain elevations. Walked around town to find some geocaches and got a history lesson in the process. Checked out some great local places for food. Rained in the afternoon so I chilled in the hotel room and made some calls.