A couple weeks ago, I snagged a discount code for 50% off the learning academy at TCM security. For awhile, I’ve had my eye on two courses: the Practical API hacking course and the Practical Bug Bounty Course. I took both courses and the content was excellent; I highly recommend both of them for people just starting out. After completing the courses, I realized that I didn’t learn anything new or earth-shattering. Sure, there were some areas where my knowledge was a little fuzzy and I learned some new approaches to applying a concept, but there weren’t any areas where I felt lost or confused. My knowledge level of application security is now at a point where most of my learning has to come from doing. I’ve suspected this for the last couple of months, but taking these courses was my epiphany moment. My takeaway from these courses is not the information, but that I need to continue with more hands-on project stuff. That’s why I’ve been doing bug bounty hunting and coding a project in Python.
So yeah, the courses are amazing and I’m glad I took them. I just need more hands-on activities at this point in my journey.